Saturday, April 1, 2006

Heeey everybooody!

Yeah, so. I'm super excited because my mom is looking out to see if she can come to Costa Rica-- and bring me muchos cosas that i left behind. I threw a little emotional tantrum today,-(in blog writing) but i didn't publish it, because by the time i finished, i wasn't ready to cause damage. I'm about creation and not destruction, and creation is love but some of loves children are freedom AND responsibility (i struggle to balance these two daily--

In other noticias:
DREW ODUM!! you did not respond to my email- excuse you!
Amma Odum - can you take care of this please? no, i actually don't have Amma email
G! - I loooove you!!!
eLLe and K - talk to me taaalk to me ~i like long emails!~
E - yeah you better write me, computer usage is your hobby!


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