Tuesday, November 8, 2005


So. I've been letting lots of folks know about Peace Corps. It was a little sad to basically tell all my church family, "Yeah, I'll be leaving this fellowship and this ministry for two years"
But then, we know, the Lord speaks! My preacher preached about leaving the familiar in search of God's will. We studied the story of Abraham when God told him to leave all his family and friends and go to a land that God would show him. My pastor mentioned me in his sermon, citing my willingness to leave family and friends for international community development as a way to allow God to show me what he can do with my life!!! And that is exACTly what i'm doing! I know there is greatness in me and in store for me, and i must start doing relatively great things now so that when i'm at the proper (st)age i have enough experience behind me to do the Really great things i am destined to do.

In other news, i am somewhat concerned about a paticular (romantic) relationship that i will be leaving behind. But then as soon as i commincate that concern 'outloud' I know that God's got control of my relationship situation as well. If this man is the one for me, he'll be here and ready for me when i get back. If this man wont be the one for me then that will be OK too. The love and experience and feelings we have between us has been rocky but steady too, it always recovered to good and comfortable and real and natural and easy(with even a few crescendos of steady and deep and seemingly everlasting and potentially perfect) We got this even when we didn't know how to handle it properly. I am trying my very very hardest to not rush God's plan.

-Sarah told Abram to gahead and have a kid with the concubine (because they had not yet had the kid that God promised them) and that concubine's kid became the father of a people that were always against the Isrealites. They were rushing God's plan and they delayed their blessing.-
random digression:(and why oh why do women have so much influence over men!?! WOMEN we must be careful with the power we have over our men. Eve suggested the apple - Adam took it: and cursed all humanity. Sarah suggested the concubine's kid - Abram made it: and created a natural enemy for his legitimate descendants. (Arabs vs Isrealites)

but i must also mention womens power over men for good

Esther boldly came before the king- he spared her people: the Jewish race is saved. My mom waited and prayed and encouraged my dad to go to church - my dad went to church: and now he speaks very openly with me about his relationship with God. digression complete

Well you know what; parabolic discussion complete. lesson communicated. deep personal feelings expressed.

I'll see ya'll on the flip side. WORD! lolololololololol...


Blogger Gringa Perdida said...


Got your note on my blog... would love to be in contact with you and send some pointers... and I DO have them!

You can email me directly from my blog, just click on the envelope... don't want to post my email address. Let me know if you have any problems...

Kelley :)
Tico 13

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you talking bout OUR romance...lol

8:41 PM  

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